Frequently asked questions
Are pets allowed?
(Yes, in rentals as well as in pitches by adding a supplement).
How can we book a stay?
(You must pay a deposit of 25% of the total amount at the time of booking, knowing that the balance is to be finalized the day of your arrival).
When do we have to pay our balance?
(You will pay your balance directly the day of your arrival at the campsite).
Are there any bonds to be given?
(If you have made a reservation, for a pitch we will need a deposit of 10€ for the gate pass and for a rental a deposit check of 200€).
What payment methods are accepted?
(We accept payment by credit card, cheque, vacation vouchers or cash).
Do you offer cancellation insurance?
(You will be able to subscribe to a cancellation insurance if you wish it directly with the FFCC organization: French federation of campers and caravanning). This is independent of the reservation made in our establishment.
Is it possible to rent baby equipment (bed, baby chair)?
(For the rentals, it is possible to rent the baby equipment for an extra 15€ each, per week).
From what time can we arrive?
(For rentals, arrivals are made either before 12:00 am when possible or from the beginning of the afternoon for 2:00 pm and the pitches are free from 12:00 pm).
Do you rent out sheets for rentals?
(We offer sheet rental for 15€ per pair).
Do you offer refrigerator rental for the pitches?
(We have weekly refrigerator rentals for 35€).
Can I cancel a reservation if I do not have insurance?
(If you wish to cancel your reservation without having subscribed to the cancellation insurance, this is possible but we will be unable to reimburse you for the deposit paid).
When can we book for the next season?
(The reservation schedule opens in October, you can contact us directly by email, by phone or via our website).